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Depression Vs Self Pity: The Millennial’s Guide to Confidence

By Dr. Ori Shinar

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Sometimes it is difficult to tell if the feelings you have are depression or self pity, and many people confuse the two! Have you ever heard the phrase “stop feeling sorry for yourself”? While the two can co-exist, they are most certainly different. We’re here to help you learn the difference between depression vs self pity to understand your feelings a little better. 

A person who constantly self-pities can also suffer from depression and someone who suffers from depression tends to self-pity. Both of them have negative effects on your mental health and well-being. 

Depression Vs. Self Pity: The Differences 

Feeling sad for yourself is one way to tell if you have depression vs self pity.

Depression is also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression. It is a medical diagnosis and affects the most basic activities such as eating, sleeping, and working. Symptoms of depression must last over two weeks for it to be diagnosed and discernable from being in a short term funk. 

Self pity is not a healthy type of sadness either. People who self pity often exaggerate their misfortunes and feel hopeless- like life never lets them catch a break. Usually someone who self-pities is absorbed into their misfortune, that they are pessimistic. They often can’t see the good and get wrapped up in the bad. Are you realizing your self pity? Here are some strategies to take back your life. 

Basically, you don’t choose to be depressed. Self pity is a choice someone makes about their outlook on life, but their ability to do basic life tasks are not hindered by their mental state. As I stated before though, it is definitely possible to have both. If you have depression, it’s easy to pity yourself and clearly never see the good in your life. But diagnosing yourself with depression may be incorrect because although you have feelings of sadness and hopelessness, it doesn’t mean you are non-functional. 


Laziness is a key factor in depression vs self pity, because laziness is not a choice for those with depression.

Laziness is a key defining characteristic between depression vs. self pity. A lot of people with depression confuse their depression with laziness. Laziness is usually a choice to not do something because it requires effort. However, people with depression suffer from a serious debilitating mental illness which hinders them from doing basic tasks. Showering, getting out of bed, eating, etc., all become a chore that gets put off instead of something that naturally occurs. 

In these situations ask yourself, why am I unable to do certain tasks? If it’s working or doing schoolwork, is it because you simply don’t feel like it? Do you struggle doing basic tasks? Is it because you don’t have interest in the task? These are things that you can figure out with a licensed therapist to determine what’s stopping you from getting things done, and if it’s self pity and laziness or depression. 

8 Ways to Alleviate Depression On Your Own

Going outside is one way to alleviate depression.

While depression often requires medication which is prescribed by a medical professional, there are ways to change your lifestyle which can also affect your mental health. 

  1. Have a routine. Depression can strip away any routine you had before and by having a schedule, you can be somewhat productive. Don’t be worried if you don’t get everything done- you have to start somewhere. 
  2. Set goals for yourself. Part of having a schedule is to challenge yourself to do something you really don’t want to do. Some people who suffer from depression don’t show frequently or don’t do laundry for weeks. Some people barely eat. Start small by eating a meal, hopping in the shower, or doing a load of laundry. Here are some tips to start slowly goal setting. 
  3. Get exercising outdoors. Exercise releases endorphins, which makes people happy. Additionally, being outside in sunlight also lets you soak up vitamin D- which can also help improve your mood (especially if you have seasonal depression). 
  4. Eat healthy- not what is easiest. By eating healthier, you are continuing to care for yourself and your body. If you overeat or undereat while depressed, your weight can fluctuate. 
  5. Regulate your sleep. Getting too much or too little sleep can make your depression feel  worse. Sleep may be something we can’t control entirely, but start by removing all distractions from your room and avoid napping. If you oversleep, maybe ask someone to wake you up at certain times. 
  6. While some severe cases of depression require you to withdraw from work or school to focus on yourself, create responsibilities for yourself as well. Sign up for an art class, work part time, or join a book club. By having responsibilities, you can stay grounded and feel some sort of achievement. 
  7. Look into supplements and vitamins. Always check with your doctor before you start any supplements while on medication, but they may recommend fish oil, L-tryptophan , or SAMe.You can get these at your local grocery store and include them in your prescription routine to ensure you take them everyday. 
  8. Try something new. I know it’s hard to even get the motivation to do anything while you’re depressed, but start by accepting invitations to go places with other people. Maybe you don’t like amusement parks but your friends invite you to go, just try it! When you challenge yourself to do something different, the chemicals in your brain react.  

Confidence: A Key to Breaking Free from Self Pity

Confidence: A Key to Breaking Free from Self Pity

Self pity thrives in the absence of confidence. When you constantly feel inadequate or unable to change your situation, it’s easy to fall into a cycle of self victimization. Confidence, however, is the antidote. By building a sense of self worth and belief in your ability to navigate life’s challenges, you can break free from the shackles of self pity.

Developing confidence doesn’t happen overnight, but it begins with small steps, such as setting achievable goals and celebrating each success. Confidence empowers you to take control of your circumstances rather than wallowing in what’s gone wrong. It’s essential to focus on self growth and realize that setbacks don’t define you, they’re opportunities to build resilience.

The Role of Social Media in Fueling Self Pity Among Millennials

The Role of Social Media in Fueling Self Pity Among Millennials

For millennials, social media can be both a blessing and a curse. While it offers connection and entertainment, it also fosters unrealistic comparisons and can fuel feelings of inadequacy. Seeing others’ carefully curated highlight reels can lead to self pity, as you may feel that your life doesn’t measure up. This comparison trap often exacerbates negative emotions, making it harder to distinguish between normal setbacks and genuine emotional struggles.

Additionally, social media platforms tend to amplify negative news, personal grievances, and complaints, encouraging an environment where self pity can thrive. To combat this, limiting screen time, unfollowing accounts that trigger negative feelings, and focusing on your personal journey instead of comparisons can help alleviate the damaging effects of social media on your mental health.

Depression in Millennials: What Makes This Generation Vulnerable?

Depression in Millennials: What Makes This Generation Vulnerable?

Millennials face unique pressures that make them more susceptible to depression. From economic instability to the pervasive influence of social media, the millennial generation is exposed to chronic stressors that previous generations didn’t encounter in the same way. The rise of “hustle culture” glorifies overwork and productivity, often leaving millennials burnt out and emotionally exhausted.

Things like student debt, housing challenges, and a competitive job market create constant financial anxiety, which can worsen depressive symptoms. The digital era has also created a paradox where millennials are more connected yet feel lonelier than ever. Understanding these stressors is the first step toward addressing the underlying causes of depression in millennials and creating healthier coping mechanisms.

What if I still don’t know if I have depression vs self pity? 

If you still do not know if you have depression vs self pity, go seek a professional's advice.

It’s not always easy to tell and that’s what licensed therapists are for. People who struggle with depression often get mislabeled as lazy and self pitying. Those who self pity also get mislabeled as depressed. So many people confuse the two- so leave the decision up to the professionals!

Sometimes life is unfair and cruel and sometimes life is beautiful. No matter how perfect your life is, you are going to throw yourself a pity party once in a while. And that’s okay! Sometimes life gets us down and we need to swallow these feelings to be able to move on. But every party must end and everyone has to return to regular life. When people wallow in self pity, that’s when this habit can turn into depression. When you constantly can’t see the good in anything, that in itself can lead to depression. 

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